Whisky Ontology
A small vocabulary for describing whisky varieties @en -
The Time-indexed Value in Context
A pattern for the description of scenarios that involve entities having some value during a particular time and within a particular context. @en -
Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology
SCoRO, the Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology, is an ontology for use by authors and publishers for describing the contributions that may be made and the roles that may... -
The Publishing Workflow Ontology
An ontology for describing the workflow associated with the publication of a document. @en -
The Publishing Status Ontology
an ontology for describing the status held by a bibliographic document or other publication entity at each of the various stages in the publishing process. It forms part of... -
The Publishing Roles Ontology
PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an ontology for describing the role(s) in the publication process of a particular agent over a defined period of time. It forms part of... -
Funding, Research Administration and Projects Ontology
FRAPO, the Funding, Research Administration and Projects Ontology, is a CERIF-compliant ontology written in OWL 2 DL for describing research project administrative information. @en -
FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology
FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology, is an ontology for recording and publishing on the Semantic Web bibliographic records of scholarly endeavours. It forms part of... -
DoCO, the Document Components Ontology
An ontology for describing the component parts of a bibliographic document @en -
The Discourse Elements Ontology
The Discourse Elements Ontology is an ontology for describing the major rhetorical elements of a document such as a journal article. It is a subsidiary ontology that is imported... -
The DataCite Ontology
The DataCite Ontology is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL to enable certain metadata properties of the DataCite Metadata Specification version 2.0... -
CiTO, the Citation Typing Ontology
The Citation Typing Ontology enables characterization of the nature or type of citations @en -
C4O, the Citation Counting and Context Characterization Ontology
C4O allows the characterization of bibliographic citations in terms of their number and their context. @en -
The Bibliographic Reference Ontology
BiRO, the Bibliographic Reference Ontology, is an ontology structured according to the FRBR model to define bibliographic records (as subclasses of frbr:Work) and bibliographic...