ACM Classification Ontology
This ontology is a representation of The ACM Computing Classification System [1998] @en -
ArCo Ontology (ArCo network)
The ArCo module is the root of the network ArCo - Architecture of Knowledge. It imports all the other modules and models top-level distinctions from the cultural heritage... -
SALT Document Ontology
The SALT Document Ontology captures the linear structure of the publication, in addition to the identification and revisioning information of the publication's content. @en -
Sharing Ancient Wisdoms Ontology
Ontology for the Sharing Ancient Wisdoms (SAWS) project, to represent the information and knowledge available in medieval gnomologia (collections of wise sayings). SAWS... -
Vocabulary for publishing OLAP data cubes
This vocabulary allows to publish and operate with OLAP cubes in RDF @en -
PREMIS Ontology
This ontology identifies the classes and properties used to describe preservation metadata in RDF. @en -
Press.net Classification Ontology
The Press.net Classification Ontology allows assets to be holistically classified using a controlled vocabulary or taxonomy. @en -
The Pattern Ontology
An ontology defining formally patterns for segmenting a document into atomic components, in order to be manipulated independently and re-flowed in different contexts. @en -
The OAI ORE terms vocabulary
Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) defines standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources. @en -
SwetoDblp Ontology of Computer Science Publications
This file specifies in RDF Schema format the classes and properties for SwetoDblp. These classes and properties are based on the internal LSDIS Library portal engine. @en -
Ontology for archival description
An ontology for the description of archival data (OAD, “Ontology of Archival Description”) using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This ontology represents the classes and... -
National Library of Korea Ontology
This specification describes National Library of Korea Ontology vocaburaries using W3C's RDF and OWL technology. @en -
SAN Ontologia
SAN Ontology @en -
The LOCAH RDF Vocabulary
This vocabulary derived from the Encoded Archival Description standard has been developed in 2010-2011 by the LOCAH project. @en -
Library extension of schema.org
Experimental "library" extension vocabulary for use with Schema.org @en -
Linking Ancient World Data Ontology
The goal of LAWD is to fill in the cracks between the data used and published by projects with a focus on the ancient world and the standard Linked Data vocablary schemes, like... -
Ispra Ontology
L'ontologia ISPRA nasce dall'esigenza di pubblicazione dei dataset LOD ed è finalizzata alla descrizione dei processi e delle attività dell'Istituto negli ambiti circoscritti... -
ISBD elements
This is a registration of classes and properties from International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), consolidated edition, published by De Gruyter Saur in July 2011... -
Holding Ontology
A vocabulary to express (library) holdings in RDF @en