4 datasets found

Catalogs: Linked Open Vocabulary Providers: AKSW Research Group - Leipzig University

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  • MEX Performance Ontology

    MEX e um vocabulario modelado para facilitar a interoperabilidade entre resultados de experimentos de aprendizado de maquinas publicados na Web. A camada mex-perf e o 3o. nivel...
  • MEX Core Vocabulary

    MEX e um vocabulario modelado para facilitar a interoperabilidade entre resultados de experimentos de aprendizado de maquinas publicados na Web. A camada mex-core representa a...
  • MEX Algorithm Ontology

    MEX is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between published machine learning experiments results on the Web. The mex-algo layer represents the algorithm...
  • The Linked SPARQL Queries Vocabulary (LSQ(V))

    The Linked SPARQL Queries Vocabulary (LSQ(V)), defined using RDF(S) and OWL, provides a machine readable vocabulary to help describe queries in SPARQL logs and their statistics....
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