SKOS eXtension for Labels
SKOS-XL defines an extension for the Simple Knowledge Organization System, providing additional support for describing and linking lexical entities. @en -
Simple Knowledge Organization System
The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web. @en -
SPARQL 1.1 Service Description
Un vocabulaire pour décrire des services SPARQL publiés via le protocole SPARQL 1.1 pour RDF. Ces descriptions fournissent un mécanisme par lequel un client ou un utilisateur... -
The RDF Schema vocabulary
RDF Schema provides a data-modelling vocabulary for RDF data. RDF Schema is an extension of the basic RDF vocabulary. @en -
The RDF Concepts Vocabulary
This is the RDF Schema for the RDF vocabulary terms in the RDF Namespace, defined in RDF 1.1 Concepts. @en -
The data cube vocabulary
This vocabulary allows multi-dimensional data, such as statistics, to be published in RDF. @en -
W3C PROVenance Interchange
The namespace name http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# is intended for use with the PROV family of documents that support the interchange of provenance on the web. @en -
The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary
This ontology partially describes the built-in classes and properties that together form the basis of the RDF/XML syntax of OWL 2. @en -
Core organization ontology
Vocabulary for describing organizational structures, specializable to a broad variety of types of organization. @en -
CSV on the Web Vocabulary
This document describes the RDFS vocabulary description used in the Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data along with the default JSON-LD Context. @en