5 datasets found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Providers: Yolanda Gil Catalogs: Linked Open Vocabulary

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  • The Workflow Motif Ontology

    Ontology for describing Workflow Motifs. Workflow Motifs outline the kinds of data-intensive activities that are observed in workflows (data-operation motifs) and the different...
  • The P-PLAN Ontology

    The Ontology for Provenance and Plans (P-Plan) is an extension of the PROV-O ontology [PROV-O] created to represent the plans that guided the execution of scientific processes....
  • The OPMW Ontology

    OPMW is a OPMV profile to model the executions and definitions of scientific workflows. @en
  • Workflow Invocation Ontology

    Wf-invoc is a simple profile of the P-plan ontology to describe how workflow steps are invoked within a workflow execution. @en
  • The Linked Earth Ontology

    The Linked Earth Ontology aims to provide a common vocabulary for annotating paleoclimatology data @en
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