RDA Group 1 Elements
This is the provisional registration of the RDA Group 1 Element Vocabulary, managed by the DCMI/RDA Task Group. @en -
FRBR Entities for RDA
Defines the core RDA classes, including FRBR levels Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item. @en -
RDA Expression properties
The Expression properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Expression entity. Each property in the element set has a... -
RDA Classes
The Classes element set consists of classes representing the RDA entities, including Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item, Person, Family, Corporate Body, and Agent. @en -
RDA Agent properties
The Agent properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Agent, Person, Family, and Corporate Body entities. Each... -
rami - Reference Architecture Model
A vocabulary which represents the Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI), including the concept of the Administration Shell I4.0 Component. @en -
Repository Asset Distribution
RADion, and the higher level vocabularies that build upon it, are intended as a model that facilitates federation and co-operation. It is not the primary intention that... -
Relations for Reusing (R4R) Ontology
R4R is a light-weight ontology for representing general relationships of resource for publication and reusing. It asserts that a certain reusing context occurred and determined... -
QUDT Alignment.
This ontology defines proposed alignemnts with the QUDT ontology. @en -
SQuAP Ontology
Quality, architecture, and process are considered the keystones of software engineering. ISO defines them in three separate standards. However, their interaction has been poorly... -
Quantity Kinds and Units
This ontology is partially based on the SysML QUDV (Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Values) proposed by a working group of the SysML 1.2 Revision Task Force (RTF), working in... -
Vocabulary for publishing OLAP data cubes
This vocabulary allows to publish and operate with OLAP cubes in RDF @en -
The data cube vocabulary
This vocabulary allows multi-dimensional data, such as statistics, to be published in RDF. @en -
The Publishing Workflow Ontology
An ontology for describing the workflow associated with the publication of a document. @en -
Eccenca Publish-Subscribe Vocabulary
The eccenca Publish-Subscribe Vocabulary defines concepts and relations to create statements about publishers, subscribers and their subscriptions in a Publish-Subscribe... -
The Publishing Status Ontology
an ontology for describing the status held by a bibliographic document or other publication entity at each of the various stages in the publishing process. It forms part of... -
Provenance Vocabulary types
Extends the Provenance Vocabulary by defining subclasses of the types of provenance elements introduced in the core ontology. @en -
Provenance Vocabulary Core Ontology
The Provenance Vocabulary Core Ontology provides the main classes and properties required to describe provenance of data on the Web. @en -
Product Vocabulary
ProVoc (Product Vocabulary) is a vocabulary that can be used to represent information and manipulate them through the Web. This ontology reflects: 1) The basic hierarchy of a... -
W3C PROVenance Interchange
The namespace name http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# is intended for use with the PROV family of documents that support the interchange of provenance on the web. @en