The Event Programme Vocabulary
This Vocabulary provides the means to create a document which describes a large event or other connected series of events. The primary purpose is to help humans comprehend the... -
The Publishing Roles Ontology
PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an ontology for describing the role(s) in the publication process of a particular agent over a defined period of time. It forms part of... -
Presentation of Resources for Interoperable Semantic and Shareable Mobile Ada...
PRISSMA (Presentation of Resources for Interoperable Semantic and Shareable Mobile Adaptability) is a domain-independent vocabulary for displaying Web of Data resources in... -
PREMIS Ontology
This ontology identifies the classes and properties used to describe preservation metadata in RDF. @en -
Property Reification Vocabulary
A vocabulary for describing the ontology design pattern of property reification. @en -
PPROC ontology
The PPROC ontology defines the necessary concepts to describe public procurement process and the contracts of public sector (public e-procurement). The ontology has been... -
Ontologie de la Poste
Vocabulaire décrivant la répartition des points de contact du réseau postal en France métropolitaine, Guadeloupe, Guyane, La Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte, Monaco, Monte-Carlo et... -
Postcode Ontology
An ontology describing the postcode geography in Great Britain. @en -
Poder Vocabulary
A vocabulary to express information about people and their relations with Organizations, Companies, etc. @en, Un vocabulario para expresar información acerca de personas, y sus... -
Programmes ontology
This ontology aims at providing a simple vocabulary for describing programmes. It covers brands, series (seasons), episodes, broadcast events, broadcast services, etc. @en -
Press.net Tag Ontology
Press.net Tag Ontology defines relationships for semantically annotating taggable things (for example news assets) with domain entities (stuff) and events. @en -
Press.net Stuff Ontology
Press.net Stuff Ontology models real world entities. There are two kinds of stuff: tangibles and intangibles. Tangible stuff includes persons, locations and organizations.... -
SNaP Identifier Ontology
The Identifier Ontology models non-RDF based Identifiers for resources. It is used to maintain a mapping between RDF resources identifiers and their equivalent IDs in an... -
Press.net Event Ontology
Press.net Event Ontology models news-worthy events and their relationship to news assets and stuff (simple entities) in the world. @en -
Press.net Classification Ontology
The Press.net Classification Ontology allows assets to be holistically classified using a controlled vocabulary or taxonomy. @en -
Press.net Asset Ontology
Press.net Asset Ontology describes news assets (text, images, video, data, etc), the relationships between them and how assets can be classified and semantically annotated. @en -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - VerbNet ontology module
The VerbNet module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module with classes and properties specific to the VerbNet predicate model. The modelling is based on the VerbNet... -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - PropBank ontology module
The PropBank module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module for representing concepts specific to PropBank. @en -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - NomBank ontology module
The NomBank module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module for representing concepts specific to NomBank. The modelling is based on the NomBank Specifications. @en -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - FrameNet ontology module
The FrameNet module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module for representing concepts specific to FrameNet. The modeling is based on the FrameNet II: Extended Theory and...