Vehicle Sales Ontology
The Vehicle Sales Ontology for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce @en -
vSearch Vocabulary
The vSearch vocabulary facilitates the querying and retrieval of vocabulary terms from a vocabularies directory. It can be used to map keywords with mapped result terms... -
SemWeb Vocab Status ontology
An RDF vocabulary for relating SW vocabulary terms to their status. @en -
Vocabulary for Ranking
The Vocabulary for Ranking (vRank) is an RDF Schema vocabulary for materializing ranking computations. @en -
RDFS Ontology for VRA
Le VRA Core est un ensemble de propriétés de métadonnées pour décrire les oeuvres d'art visuelles et les images qui les documentent. @fr, The VRA Core is a set of metadata... -
Void Warehouse Ontology
An extension of W3C VoID that is able to represent these metrics for expressing the Connectivity Metrics of a Semantic Warehouse. @en -
Extended Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoIDext)
The Extension of the Vocabulary of Interlinked Datasets (VoID) RDF Schema that includes the concept of virtual links. This extension enhances interoperability among... -
VoCaLS: A Vocabulary and Catalog for Linked Streams
This ontology aims to model RDF streams, their metadata, and access endpoints for publishing and consuming these streams @en, Esta ontología has sido diseñada para representar... -
Vocabulary Of Attribution and Governance
VOAG is intended to specify licensing, attribution, provenance and governance of an ontology. @en -
Vocabulary of a Friend
A vocabulary to describe linked data vocabularies and their relations @en, Un vocabulaire de description des vocabulaires RDF et de leurs relations mutuelles @fr -
Visual Modeling tool Model
In Software Engineering, as well as in other disciplines, it is common to use model-editing tools using a visual language. In particular, the editing tools allow you to design... -
VIVO Core Ontology
An ontology of academic and research domain, developed in the framework of the VIVO project @en -
VIR - Visual Representation ontology
This ontology, called VIR, is an extension of CIDOC-CRM created to sustain propositions on the nature of visual elements and permit these descriptions to be published on the... -
Wine Ontology
This ontology was used as example in the first OWL Recommendation (February 2004) @en -
The Video Game Ontology
The Video Game Ontology is an ontology designed for describing video games and all the resources related to their game plays. @en -
Vehicle Emissions Ontology
An ontology for describing vehicles and their emissions. @en -
Vocabulary for Dataset Publication Projects
The Vocabulary of Dataset Publication Projects (VDPP) allows to represent the status of a dataset publication project. It is mainly based on the Provenance Vocabulary (PRV), the... -
An Ontology for vCards
This ontology models and represents vCards in RDF using current best practices @en -
VANN: A vocabulary for annotating vocabulary descriptions
A vocabulary for annotating descriptions of vocabularies with examples and usage notes. @en -
The Vagueness Ontology
The Vagueness Ontology (VO) allows one to specify vagueness characterisations of the TBox entities of an ontology. @en