718 datasets found

Catalogs: Linked Open Vocabulary Formats: RDF

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  • The SEAS Trading ontology

    The Seas Trading Ontology defines concepts and relations to describe ownership, trading, bilateral contracts and market licenses: players own systems and trade commodities,...
  • The SEAS Time Ontology.

    This ontology defines: - a set of subclasses of seas:Evaluation to better interpret evaluations of quantifiable properties. - a set of sub properties of seas:hasProperty to...
  • The SEAS Forecasting ontology

    The SEAS Forecasting ontology extends the Procedure Execution ontology (PEP) @en
  • The SEAS Device ontology

    The SEAS Device ontology defines seas:Device as physical system that are designed to execute one or more procedures that involve the physical world. @en
  • The SEAS Building Ontology

    The SEAS Building ontology describes a taxonomy of buildings, building spaces, and rooms. Some categorizations are based on the energy efficiency related to their insulation...
  • The SEAS Battery ontology.

    This ontology defines batteries and their state of charge ratio property. @en
  • The SEAS System ontology

    The System Ontology defines Systems, Connections between systems, and Connection Points at which systems may be connected. This ontology is then specialized for multiple...
  • SEAS ontology

    This vocabulary is version v0.1 of the ITEA2 Smart Energy Aware Systems project vocabulary. It enables the description of electricity measurements of a site using the Data Cube...
  • The SEAS Statistics ontology.

    This ontology defines common evaluation interpretation concepts for statistics. @en
  • SALT Document Ontology

    The SALT Document Ontology captures the linear structure of the publication, in addition to the identification and revisioning information of the publication's content. @en
  • SDMX-RDF vocabulary

    This vocabulary extends the data cube vocabulary to support publication of statistical data in RDF, using an information model based on SDMX @en
  • SPARQL 1.1 Service Description

    Un vocabulaire pour décrire des services SPARQL publiés via le protocole SPARQL 1.1 pour RDF. Ces descriptions fournissent un mécanisme par lequel un client ou un utilisateur...
  • Social Semantic Cloud of Tags

    SCOT is an ontology for describing the structure and the semantics for tagging data across heterogenous users, sources, and applications. @en
  • Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology

    SCoRO, the Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology, is an ontology for use by authors and publishers for describing the contributions that may be made and the roles that may...
  • Scientific People Ontology

    A vocabulary for description of scientific people, focused on bio sciences @en
  • Sharing Ancient Wisdoms Ontology

    Ontology for the Sharing Ancient Wisdoms (SAWS) project, to represent the information and knowledge available in medieval gnomologia (collections of wise sayings). SAWS...
  • SAREF: the Smart Appliances REFerence ontology

    The Smart Appliances REFerence (SAREF) ontology is a shared model of consensus that facilitates the matching of existing assets (standards/protocols/datamodels/etc.) in the...
  • SALT Annotation Ontology

    The SALT Annotation Ontology represents the connection layer between the rhetorical and argumentation and the document structure and content @en
  • SAN (Semantic Actuator Network)

    This ontology is intended to describe Semantic Actuator Networks, as a counterpoint to SSN definition of Semantic Sensor Networks. An actuator is a physical device having an...
  • OWL for Sampling Features

    A simple OWL representation of the Sampling Features Schema described in clauses 9-11 of ISO 19156:2011 Geographic Information - Observations and Measurements @en
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