Programmes ontology
This ontology aims at providing a simple vocabulary for describing programmes. It covers brands, series (seasons), episodes, broadcast events, broadcast services, etc. @en -
Press.net Tag Ontology
Press.net Tag Ontology defines relationships for semantically annotating taggable things (for example news assets) with domain entities (stuff) and events. @en -
Press.net Stuff Ontology
Press.net Stuff Ontology models real world entities. There are two kinds of stuff: tangibles and intangibles. Tangible stuff includes persons, locations and organizations.... -
SNaP Identifier Ontology
The Identifier Ontology models non-RDF based Identifiers for resources. It is used to maintain a mapping between RDF resources identifiers and their equivalent IDs in an... -
Press.net Event Ontology
Press.net Event Ontology models news-worthy events and their relationship to news assets and stuff (simple entities) in the world. @en -
Press.net Classification Ontology
The Press.net Classification Ontology allows assets to be holistically classified using a controlled vocabulary or taxonomy. @en -
Press.net Asset Ontology
Press.net Asset Ontology describes news assets (text, images, video, data, etc), the relationships between them and how assets can be classified and semantically annotated. @en -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - VerbNet ontology module
The VerbNet module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module with classes and properties specific to the VerbNet predicate model. The modelling is based on the VerbNet... -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - PropBank ontology module
The PropBank module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module for representing concepts specific to PropBank. @en -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - NomBank ontology module
The NomBank module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module for representing concepts specific to NomBank. The modelling is based on the NomBank Specifications. @en -
Predicate Model for Ontologies (PreMOn) - FrameNet ontology module
The FrameNet module of the PreMOn ontology extends the core module for representing concepts specific to FrameNet. The modeling is based on the FrameNet II: Extended Theory and... -
PML2 provenance ontology
The provenance part of PML2 ontology. It is a fundamental component of PML2 ontology. @en -
Playlist Ontology
An ontology for describing playlists, playlist entries and songs. @en -
The Places Ontology
The Places Ontology is a simple lightweight ontology for describing places of geographic interest. @en -
Physical Data Description
Physical data description (PHDD) of existing or published data (tables) in a rectangular format. The data could be either represented in records with character-separated values... -
ISA Programme Person Core Vocabulary
The Person Core Vocabulary provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing a natural person @en -
Process Execution ontology.
The process execution ontology is a proposal for a simple extension of both the W3C Semantic Sensor Network and the Semantic Actuator Network ontology cores. @en -
Public Contracts Ontology
Ontologie pro veřejné zakázky poskytuje vyjadřovací prostředky pro popis zakázek zadávaných institucemi veřejné správy. @cs, Public Contracts Ontology offers a means of... -
Play Back Ontology
The Play Back Ontology specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing concepts that are related to the play back domain. @en -
Payments ontology
Vocabulary for representing payments, such as government expenditures, using the data cube representation. @en