720 datasets found

Catalogs: Linked Open Vocabulary Formats: TTL

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  • Linked Data Platform

    A set of best practices and simple approach for a read-write Linked Data architecture, based on HTTP access to web resources that describe their state using the RDF data model. @en
  • Lifecycle Schema

    The Lifecycle Schema provides classes and properties that allow the specification of a lifecycle that any resource may pass through. @en
  • Linking Ancient World Data Ontology

    The goal of LAWD is to fill in the cracks between the data used and published by projects with a focus on the ancient world and the standard Linked Data vocablary schemes, like...
  • label

    Term definitions for singular and plural label properties @en
  • km4city, the DISIT Knowledge Model for City and Mobility

    A Knowledge Model to describe a smart city, that interconnect data from infomobility service, Open Data and other source @en
  • Keys Ontology

    A vocabulary for musical keys and notes @en
  • KEES Ontology

    KEES (Knowledge Exchange Engine Schema ) ontology describes a knowledge base configuration in terms of ABox and TBox statements together with their accrual and reasoning...
  • The Knowledge Diversity Ontology

    The Knowledge Diversity Ontology aims at providing a vocabulary that describes different dimensions of knowledge diversity of the Web. To support the representation of diversity...
  • South Korea Extension to Juso Ontology

    South Korea Extension to Juso Ontology is a Web vocabulary that extends Juso Ontology to describe geographical addresses and features in South Korea. @en
  • Juso Ontology

    Juso Ontology is a Web vocabulary for describing geographical addresses and features. @en
  • Ontology of Building Accessibility

    Slovnik prisupnosti budov vznikl v ramci projektu Mapy bez barier, ktery realizuje Nadace Charty 77 - Konto Bariery. Vychazi z Metodiky kategorizace pristupnosti objektu, je...
  • IT Service Management Ontology

    IT Service Management Ontology (ITSMO) provides the vocabulary for annotating resources related to IT Service Management. ITSMO tries to be consistent with 2011 ITIL...
  • Issue Tracking tool Model

    A partir del estudio de las características de las herramientas de gestión de tareas o issue tracking systems, se ha elaborado este vocabulario. @es, This vocabulary defines the...
  • Ontologie du projet Istex pour la diffusion de la littérature scientifique

    ISTEX est une plateforme qui a pour ambition d’offrir, à l’ensemble de la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche française qui le souhaite, un accès en ligne...
  • Ispra Ontology

    L'ontologia ISPRA nasce dall'esigenza di pubblicazione dei dataset LOD ed è finalizzata alla descrizione dei processi e delle attività dell'Istituto negli ambiti circoscritti...
  • ISO19160-1:2015 Address ontology

    This ontology is a version of the ISO TC211, Group for Ontology Management (GOM)'s OWL ontology interpretation of the ISO19160-1:2015 "Addressing -- Part 1: Conceptual model"...
  • ISO 37120 indicator URIs

    ISO 37120 – Sustainable Development and Resilience of Communities – Indicators for City Services and Quality of Life (under TC268) http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/ISO37120.html...
  • ISO 25964 SKOS extension

    This vocabulary aims at providing interoperability between SKOS and ISO 25964 ‐ 1:2011, the new standard for thesauri @en
  • ISBD elements

    This is a registration of classes and properties from International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), consolidated edition, published by De Gruyter Saur in July 2011...
  • Info Service Ontology

    The Information Service Ontology specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing different information services, e.g. Wikipedia, MusicBrainz, Freebase @en
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