Creative Workshop Management Ontology (CWMO)
Creative Workshop Management Ontology (CWMO) - an ontology designed to describe the creative workshop domain, to permit reasoning on creative method and to describe resources... -
Context Descriptor Pattern
OWL pattern for describing activity models as abstract dependencies among classes. @en -
CTRLont - An ontology to formally specify the control domain
CTRLont specifies concepts and relationships of control actors on a high level @en -
Vocabulario de la estructura de organismos públicos
El objetivo de este vocabulario es la creación de un esquema que permita definir los contenidos de la información relacionada con los órganos de gobierno y los centros públicos... -
Catalogue Ontology (ArCo network)
The Catalogue module allows the description of concepts related to the Italian General Catalogue of Cultural Heritage (ICCD-MiBAC), and in particular catalogue records, that is... -
Common Tag Vocabulary
Common Tags are references to unique, well-defined concepts, complete with metadata and their own URLs. @en -
Connectivity types
Defines types of connectivity used in communication and bearer services accessible in certain connectivity. @en -
CSV on the Web Vocabulary
This document describes the RDFS vocabulary description used in the Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data along with the default JSON-LD Context. @en -
This vocabulary defines a set of terms for describing changes to resource descriptions. @en -
ReSIST Courseware Ontology
The ReSIST Courseware Ontology represents the various educational courses and resources within the ReSIST project @en -
Copyright Ontology
The Copyright Ontology is a contribution geared towards the development of copyright-aware Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems. @en -
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model
This is the encoding approved by CRM-SIG in the meeting 21/11/2012 as the official current version for the CIDOC CRM namespace. Note that this is NOT a definition of the CIDOC... -
EAC-CPF Descriptions Ontology for Linked Archival Data:
Derive from the EAC-CPF original XML schema. Encoded Archival Context for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families provides a grammar for encoding names of creators of archival... -
Content Pattern Annotations
A set of annotation properties to be used for ontology design patterns @en -
ISO 3166 Country Codes
Basic properties of a country as defined by ISO 3166 (code and name) @en -
Car Options Ontology
The COO provides a vocabulary for exposing available configuration options for car models. It allows indicating choices that can be made as well as compatibility, dependency,... -
Conversion Ontology
Ontology used to describe interpretations of tabular literals to produce RDF @en -
Utility concepts for everyday life @en -
The Delivery Context Ontology
The Delivery Context Ontology models the knowledge of the environment in which devices interact with the Web or other services @en -
Vocabulary related to incident communication
This vocabulary is intended to describe all the aspects which are needed to communicate incident related information for fire department services @en