15 datasets found

Catalogs: Linked Open Vocabulary Tags: frbr

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  • RDA Work properties

    The Work properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Work entity. @en
  • RDA Unconstrained properties

    The Unconstrained properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the all RDA entities. Each property in the element set has...
  • RDA Roles

    Defines possible roles linking agents to FRBR objects (works, expressions, manifestations, items) @en
  • RDA Manifestation properties

    The Manifestation properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Manifestation entity. @en
  • RDA Item properties

    The Item properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Item entity. @en
  • FRBR Entities for RDA

    Defines the core RDA classes, including FRBR levels Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item. @en
  • RDA Expression properties

    The Expression properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Expression entity. Each property in the element set has a...
  • RDA Classes

    The Classes element set consists of classes representing the RDA entities, including Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item, Person, Family, Corporate Body, and Agent. @en
  • RDA Agent properties

    The Agent properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Agent, Person, Family, and Corporate Body entities. Each...
  • DOREMUS is an extension of the FRBRoo model for describing the music.

    DOREMUS is an extension of the FRBRoo model for describing the music. @en
  • FRBRer model

    This is the element set of native RDF classes and properties described in the current text (Feb 2009) of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)...
  • Extended FRBR

    Expression of Extended FRBR Concepts in RDF @en
  • Expression of Core FRBR Concepts in RDF

    An expression in RDF of the concepts and relations described in the IFLA report on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) @en
  • FRAD model

    This is the element set of native RDF classes and properties described in the Functional Requirements for Authority Data model. The model also uses elements previously described...
  • The European Legislation Identifier

    Transposition of the ELI metadata fields into an OWL ontology @en
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