Education Ontology
Ontoloogia kirjeldab hariduse valdkonna peamised m?isted ja seosed nende vahel. Praeguses versioonis on r?hk pandud ?ppematerjali, ?piv?ljundite ja ?ppekavaga seotud... -
VIVO Core Ontology
An ontology of academic and research domain, developed in the framework of the VIVO project @en -
Teaching Core Vocabulary Specification
TEACH, the Teaching Core Vocabulary, is a lightweight vocabulary providing terms to enable teachers to relate things in their courses together. The Teaching Core Vocabulary is... -
Semantic Web for Research Communities
An ontology for modeling entities of research communities such as persons, organisations, publications (bibliographic metadata) and their relationship @en -
Semantic Web Conference Ontology
The Semantic Web Conference ontology (SWC) is an ontology for describing academic conferences @en -
The Scientific Events Ontology
The vocabulary allows for the description of data about scientific events such as conferences, symposiums and workshops. @en -
Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology
SCoRO, the Scholarly Contributions and Roles Ontology, is an ontology for use by authors and publishers for describing the contributions that may be made and the roles that may... -
Scientific People Ontology
A vocabulary for description of scientific people, focused on bio sciences @en -
ModSci, Modern Science Ontology.
ModSci is a reference ontology for modelling different types of modern sciences and related entities, such as scientific discoveries, renowned scientists, instruments, phenomena... -
The myExperiment Base Ontology
This ontology provides the base elements required by myExperiment for content management, social networking and object annotation. @en -
Ontologie du projet Istex pour la diffusion de la littérature scientifique
ISTEX est une plateforme qui a pour ambition d’offrir, à l’ensemble de la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche française qui le souhaite, un accès en ligne... -
Funding, Research Administration and Projects Ontology
FRAPO, the Funding, Research Administration and Projects Ontology, is a CERIF-compliant ontology written in OWL 2 DL for describing research project administrative information. @en -
EduProgression Ontology
The EduProgression ontology formalizes the educational progressions of the French educational system, making possible to represent the existing progressions in a standard formal... -
ReSIST Courseware Ontology
The ReSIST Courseware Ontology represents the various educational courses and resources within the ReSIST project @en -
Academic Institution Internal Structure Ontology
The Academic Institution Internal Structure Ontology (AIISO) provides classes and properties to describe the internal organizational structure of an academic institution. AIISO...