Ontología de Turismo para el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Esta ontología se ha construido dentro del proyecto financiado por el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza: "Un visitante, una ruta", una aplicación informática para el cálculo de rutas... -
Transport Administration Ontology
Transport Administration Ontology (TAO) for describing data from Swedish Transport Administration Web site. @en -
A vocabulary for describing transit systems and routes @en -
Tourpedia Ontology
A vocabulary to describe touristic places: accommodations, points of interest, restaurants and attractions. @en -
The Stop Times ontology
This ontology provides the predicates necessary to describe an arrival of a transit vehicle and its departure at a certain Stop. @en -
PASSIM ontology
Description of the operation of a transport information service @en -
US National Airspace System (NAS) vocabulary
Defines concepts related to the structure of the US National Airspace System (NAS) @en -
General Transit Feed Specification
This ontology is a translation of the General Transit Feed Specification towards URIs. Its intended use is creating an exchange platform where the Linked GTFS model can be used... -
Aircraft Equipment Vocabulary
Defines aircraft models, aircraft systems / subsystems, and aircraft characteristics @en -
Linked Datex II
This document gives URIs to all terms used within Datex II. the Datex standard was developed for information exchange between traffic management centres, traffic information... -
Air Traffic Management (ATM) Vocabulary
Defines specific air traffic management concepts used in aircraft navigation through the US National Airspace System @en