4 datasets found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Formats: RDF Catalogs: Linked Open Vocabulary

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  • Profiles Vocabulary

    This vocabulary is for describing relationships between standards/specifications, profiles of them and supporting artifacts such as validating resources. This model starts with...
  • ISO19160-1:2015 Address ontology

    This ontology is a version of the ISO TC211, Group for Ontology Management (GOM)'s OWL ontology interpretation of the ISO19160-1:2015 "Addressing -- Part 1: Conceptual model"...
  • Decision Provenance ontology (DecPROV)

    This ontology is a reduced-in-scope version of the W3C Decisions and Decision-Making Incubator Group's Decision Ontology (DO) which can be found at . It has been re-worked to...
  • Dataset Ontology

    The data.gov.au Dataset Ontology is an OWL ontology designed to describe the characteristics of datasets published on data.gov.au. The ontology contains elements which describe...