6 datasets found

Licenses: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Formats: TTL

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  • Test-Driven Data Debugging Ontology

    The Databugger ontology describes concepts used in Databugger, a test driven data-debugging framework that can run automatically generated (based on a schema) and manually...
  • RDF Logging Ontology

    This is a helper ontology for NIF 2.0 to be able to log errors and warning messages. @en
  • NLP Interchange Format

    The NLP Interchange Format (NIF) is an RDF/OWL-based format that aims to achieve interoperability between Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools, language resources and...
  • MEX Performance Ontology

    MEX e um vocabulario modelado para facilitar a interoperabilidade entre resultados de experimentos de aprendizado de maquinas publicados na Web. A camada mex-perf e o 3o. nivel...
  • MEX Core Vocabulary

    MEX e um vocabulario modelado para facilitar a interoperabilidade entre resultados de experimentos de aprendizado de maquinas publicados na Web. A camada mex-core representa a...
  • MEX Algorithm Ontology

    MEX is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between published machine learning experiments results on the Web. The mex-algo layer represents the algorithm...