The notion of “Cue” was used by
Rosch to define the set of basic level categories, namely those categories which:
maximize the number of characteristics shared by their members;
minimize the number of characteristics shared with the members of their sibling categories.
The “Cue” is a key insight for analyzing a resource internal diversity and unity based.
unity accounts for the properties that are shared across entity types inside a schema;
diversity accounts for the properties that are not shared across entity types inside a schema.
We have 6 types of Cue:
Cue_e provides the sum of all the properties cue for a given eType;
Cue_er provides the level of diversity of any eType (1 = max, 0 = min);
Cue_ec provides the level of unity of any eType (1 = max, 0 = min);
Cue_c provides the sum of all the properties cue for a given context/schema;
Cue_cr: provides the level of diversity of any context (1 = max, 0 = min);
Cue_cc: provides the level of unity of any context (1 = max, 0 = min).