Metatietosanasto Metadata thesaurus

Metadata thesaurus contains terms and expressions required in describing materials. The thesaurus is also suitable for selecting headings displayed in user interfaces. The thesaurus has been organised according to entity-relationship structure of RDA text and FRBR concept model. The use of the terms in the thesaurus standardises the vocabulary of descriptive metadata and simultaneously harmonises description in order to promote productiveness. The aim of the thesaurus is also to make it easier to produce metadata by collecting vocabulary and expressions needed in description as well as to clarify concepts related to them. The thesaurus includes terms complying with both the ISBD and RDA description rules. The terms and expressions used only in one of the rules are indicated separately. The thesaurus does not contain vocabulary describing the subject matter of the work, such as index terms.


Additional Info

Field Value
Author Kansalliskirjasto, , Nationalbiblioteket i Finland,
Version 1
Last Updated December 17, 2020, 01:25 (CET)
Created February 3, 2020, 10:41 (CET)
Contact URI
Issued Wednesday, December 16, 2020 04:27:41
Language , Finnish, , , Swedish,
Reference Catalog URL