704 datasets found

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  • Payments ontology

    Vocabulary for representing payments, such as government expenditures, using the data cube representation. @en
  • Provenance, Authoring and Versioning

    PAV is a lightweight ontology for tracking Provenance, Authoring and Versioning. PAV specializes the W3C provenance ontology PROV-O in order to describe authorship, curation and...
  • The Pattern Ontology

    An ontology defining formally patterns for segmenting a document into atomic components, in order to be manipulated independently and re-flowed in different contexts. @en
  • Patch Request Ontology

    The Patch Request Ontology provides a schema to describe desired changes in Linked Data. By wrapping the Graph Update Ontology (guo) patch requests can be formulated to add,...
  • PASSIM ontology

    Description of the operation of a transport information service @en
  • Participation Schema

    The participation ontology is a simple model for describing the roles that people play within groups. It is intended that specific domains will create subclasses of roles within...
  • Parliament Ontology

    An ontology of UK Parliament @en
  • The P-PLAN Ontology

    The Ontology for Provenance and Plans (P-Plan) is an extension of the PROV-O ontology [PROV-O] created to represent the plans that guided the execution of scientific processes....
  • The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary

    This ontology partially describes the built-in classes and properties that together form the basis of the RDF/XML syntax of OWL 2. @en
  • OpenVocab

    OpenVocab is a community maintained vocabulary intended for use on the Semantic Web, ideal for properties and classes that don't warrant the effort of creating or maintaining a...
  • The Open Traffic Lights ontology

    This ontology provides the terms necessary to describe the status of traffic lights. @en
  • Ordnance Survey Topography Ontology

    The general purpose of this ontology is to provide a library of high level concepts that are used by the other modules within the whole OS Topographic ontology. The ontology...
  • Spatial Relations Ontology

    An ontology describing basic spatial relations. @en
  • OntoMedia Space Representation

    The OntoMedia Space representation denotes areas of landscape. Expands on the AKT location ontology @en
  • Ontologie du Service Public

    Ontologie d'une organisation publique, plus particulièrement d'un tribunal, d'une organisation internationale ou d'un pays. @fr, Ontology for public services and organizations @en
  • OSLO Exchange Standard

    This version of the OSLO Exchange Standard provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing a natural person, i.e. the individual as opposed to any role they may...
  • OSLC Core Vocabulary

    The Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) initiative is creating a family of web services specifications for products, services and other tools that support all...
  • Ordnance Survey Geometry Ontology

    A provisional small geometry vocabulary used by Ordnance Survey vocabularies and datasets. Likely to change when some standard way of representing geometries in RDF is agreed. @en
  • The administrative geography and civil voting area ontology

    An ontology describing the administrative and voting area geography of Great Britain @en
  • Ontology about Spanish public organizations

    Extensión de la ontología de Organizaciones para adecuarla al Directorio Común de entidades públicas en España. @es, Extension of the Org ontology to make it suitable for the...