ISO 19156 Observation Model
An OWL representation of the Observation Schema described in clause 6 of ISO 19156:2011 Geographic Information - Observations and Measurements @en -
Ordered List Ontology
The Ordered List Ontology Specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing ordered lists as semantic graphs. @en -
The Opening Hours vocabulary
A vocabulary to describe opening hours using calendars (recommended: iCal, RDFCal or schema.org) published on the Web. @en -
Open Graph Protocol Vocabulary
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph. For instance, this is used on Facebook to enable any web page to have the same... -
Fridge and Freezer Vocabulary
Vocabulary to describe fridges and freezers @en -
Open Fridge vocabulary
Ontology for Open Fridge project @en -
Extended Creative Commons Ontology
Creative Commons Ontology, extending RDF file at http://creativecommons.org/schema.rdf @en -
Organogram Data Vocabulary
Extension of data cube for civil service junior posts @en -
Open Data Rights Statement Vocabulary
A vocabulary that supports the publication of Open Data by providing the means to capture machine-readable "rights statements", e.g. the licensing information, copyright notices... -
Ontology Design Pattern Participation
The basic participation pattern, without temporal indexing. It clones equivalent elements from DOLCE-UltraLite. @en -
The vocabulary for (L)OD ideas and applications
odapps is an RDF vocabulary defined to facilitate the description of Open-Data-based ideas and applications published on the Web. @en -
Schema for an Open Contracting Release (OCDS)
The OCDS is a data model that aims at structuring and publishing contracting data (tenders, procurements, awards, transactions, etc.). It got international adoption and is one... -
Ontologia Camera dei Deputati
L'ontologia Camera dei deputati è stata creata per descrivere tutte le risorse (persone, eventi, documenti) sia storiche che correnti, connesse alla Camera e alla sua attività... -
OntoMedia Core
OntoMedia (Ontology for Media) has been designed to describe the interactions occurring in multimedia. @en -
Object with states ontology
Ontology including the content ontology design pattern for modelling objects with states. @en -
Observation Method Ontology
This is a taxonomy of some observation methods. It is incomplete @en -
Ontologie de l'Assemblée Nationale
Description of French National Assembly @en, Cette ontologie représente la description du fonctionnement de l'Assemblée Nationale française. @fr -
Open NEE Model
The Open NEE Model defines an extension of the Open Annotation Data Model (http://www.openannotation.org/spec/core) that allows describing in RDF the result of a Named Entity... -
Ontology for archival description
An ontology for the description of archival data (OAD, “Ontology of Archival Description”) using the Web Ontology Language (OWL). This ontology represents the classes and... -
Open Annotation Data Model
The Open Annotation Core Data Model specifies an interoperable framework for creating associations between related resources, annotations, using a methodology that conforms to...