704 datasets found

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  • Dem@Care Lab Ontology for Dementia Assessment

    The ontology has been developed in the framework of the Dem@Care project for representing the experimentation protocol towards diagnostic support and assessment of Dementia in a...
  • Decision ontology

    Decision-making is a process that can result in some decision and decision is a situation of indicating one of the considered options. Decision Ontology provides means for...
  • Denotative Description Ontology (ArCo network)

    The Denotative Description module encodes the characteristics of a cultural property, as detectable and/or detected during the cataloguing process and measurable according to a...
  • DCMI Type Vocabulary

    The DCMI Type Vocabulary provides a general, cross-domain list of approved terms that may be used as values for the Resource Type element to identify the genre of a resource. @en
  • DCMI Metadata Terms

    an up-to-date specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, including properties, vocabulary encoding schemes, syntax encoding schemes,...
  • NDL Metadata Terms

    RDF Schema declaration for Japan NDL Metadata Terms @en
  • The DataCite Ontology

    The DataCite Ontology is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL to enable certain metadata properties of the DataCite Metadata Specification version 2.0...
  • Dublin Core Metadata Element Set

    The Dublin Core Metadata Element Set is a vocabulary of fifteen properties for use in resource description. The name "Dublin" is due to its origin at a 1995 invitational...
  • DCMI Abstract Model

    An abstract model for Dublin Core metadata @en
  • DOAP Bugs

    An extension of DOAP for the description of bugs @en
  • Relational to Ontology Mapping Primitive

    Primitive ontology for database to Semantic Web mapping which subsumes classes that represent mappings to explicit OWL constructs, such as OWL class, object property, data...
  • DBM Ontology

    An ontology for the Drug Bureau of Macedonia (DBM). @en
  • Data Value Vocabulary (DaVe)

    The Data Value Vocabulary (DaVe) is an extensible core vocabulary that allows user to use custom data value dimensions and metrics to characterise data value in a specific...
  • Linked Datex II

    This document gives URIs to all terms used within Datex II. the Datex standard was developed for information exchange between traffic management centres, traffic information...
  • OntoMedia Date Part Representation

    OntoMedia (Ontology for Media) Date Component has been designed to describe the different ways of marking time in media. @en
  • DataID

    DBpedia Data ID is an ontology with the goal of describing LOD datasets via RDF files in a uniform way. Established vocabularies like DCAT, VoID, Prov-O and SPARQL Service...
  • Dataset Quality Vocabulary

    Quality metrics can be (in principle) calculated on various forms of data (such as datasets, graphs, set of triples etc...). This vocabulary allow the owner/user of such RDF...
  • Document Availability Information Ontology

    The Document Availability Information Ontology (DAIA) describes the current availability of documents in libraries and similar institutions. Availability can be expressed in...
  • D2RQ - Language Specification

    This document specifies the D2RQ mapping language. D2RQ is a declarative language to describe mappings between relational database schemata and OWL/RDFS ontologies. @en
  • L'Ontologie CWRC

    L'Ontologie CWRC est l'ontologie du Collaboratoire scientifique des écrits du Canada. @fr, The CWRC Ontology is the ontology of the Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory. @en