RDFa Vocabulary for Term and Prefix Assignment, and for Processor Graph Repor...
This document describes the RDFa Vocabulary for Term and Prefix Assignment. The Vocabulary is used to modify RDFa 1.1 processing behavior @en -
The RDF Concepts Vocabulary
This is the RDF Schema for the RDF vocabulary terms in the RDF Namespace, defined in RDF 1.1 Concepts. @en -
RDA Work properties
The Work properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Work entity. @en -
RDA Unconstrained properties
The Unconstrained properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the all RDA entities. Each property in the element set has... -
RDA Roles
Defines possible roles linking agents to FRBR objects (works, expressions, manifestations, items) @en -
RDA Relationships GR2
RDA Relationships for Persons, Corporate Bodies, Families @en -
RDA Relationships for Works, Expressions, Manifestations, Items
A vocabulary defining a large variety of specific relationships between the various levels of the FRBR pile. @en -
RDA Manifestation properties
The Manifestation properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Manifestation entity. @en -
RDA Item properties
The Item properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Item entity. @en -
RDA Group 3 Elements
This group of RDA elements defines preferred and variant names for concepts, places and events @en -
RDA Group 2 Elements
The second group of metadata elements defined by RDA @en -
RDA Group 1 Elements
This is the provisional registration of the RDA Group 1 Element Vocabulary, managed by the DCMI/RDA Task Group. @en -
FRBR Entities for RDA
Defines the core RDA classes, including FRBR levels Work, Expression, Manifestation and Item. @en -
RDA Expression properties
The Expression properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Expression entity. Each property in the element set has a... -
RDA Classes
The Classes element set consists of classes representing the RDA entities, including Work, Expression, Manifestation, Item, Person, Family, Corporate Body, and Agent. @en -
RDA Agent properties
The Agent properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Agent, Person, Family, and Corporate Body entities. Each... -
rami - Reference Architecture Model
A vocabulary which represents the Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI), including the concept of the Administration Shell I4.0 Component. @en -
Repository Asset Distribution
RADion, and the higher level vocabularies that build upon it, are intended as a model that facilitates federation and co-operation. It is not the primary intention that... -
Relations for Reusing (R4R) Ontology
R4R is a light-weight ontology for representing general relationships of resource for publication and reusing. It asserts that a certain reusing context occurred and determined... -
QUDT Alignment.
This ontology defines proposed alignemnts with the QUDT ontology. @en