SAN Ontologia
SAN Ontology @en -
ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary
The ISA Programme Location Core Vocabulary provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing any place in terms of its name, address or geometry. The vocabulary is... -
The LOCAH RDF Vocabulary
This vocabulary derived from the Encoded Archival Description standard has been developed in 2010-2011 by the LOCAH project. @en -
Vocabulario de Localizaciones
Este vocabulario se utiliza para modelar las localizaciones físicas de lugares públicos. Utiliza elementos de Geonames para identificar las distintas características... -
Lexical MetaModel Level 2
An ontology for aligning existing linguistic ontologies, and for describing the research objects of NLP. @en -
Lexical MetaModel Level 1
This ontology is a composition of some content design patterns for the semiotic triangle. Its structure is extracted from DOLCE-Ultralite (DOLCE+c.DnS), but it uses a different... -
LinkLion - the Link Discovery Portal
LinkLion - the Link Discovery Portal @en -
Lightweight Image Ontology
A Lightweight Ontology for Describing Images @en -
License Model Ontology
A vocabulary to describe licenses @en -
Linked Statistical Models Vocabulary
A Vocabulary for Incorporating Predictive Models into the Linked Data Web @en -
This ontology is a specialization of the lifecycle vocabulary (http://purl.org/vocab/lifecycle/schema) meant to be used in the context of IoT. It is used as a module in the IoT... -
Library extension of schema.org
Experimental "library" extension vocabulary for use with Schema.org @en -
OWL representation of ISO 19115 (Geographic Information - Metadata - Lineage ...
An OWL representation of parts of the Geographic Metadata model described in ISO 19115:2003 with Corrigendum 2006 - LI Package @en -
LinkedGeoData ontology
LinkedGeoData ontology has been derived from concepts defined by Open Street Map @en -
LexInfo Ontology
Version 2.0 of LexInfo Ontology, based on Lemon @en, Онтология типов, значений и свойств, используемых совместно с онтологией lemon, частично является производной от ISOcat @ru -
LExicon Model for ONtologies
Lemon: The lexicon model for ontologies is designed to allow for descriptions of lexical information regarding ontological elements and other RDF resources. Lemon covers... -
Vocabulary for Linked Data Visualization Model
Vocabulary for Linked Data Visualization Model (LDVM) serves for description and configuration of components and pipelines according to LDVM @en -
Linked Data Rights (LDR)
The Linked Data Rights ontology provides the vocabulary for creating rights expressions for Linked Data resources. @en -
Linked Data Platform
A set of best practices and simple approach for a read-write Linked Data architecture, based on HTTP access to web resources that describe their state using the RDF data model. @en -
Lifecycle Schema
The Lifecycle Schema provides classes and properties that allow the specification of a lifecycle that any resource may pass through. @en