IoT-O is a core domain Internet of Things ontology. It is intended to model horizontal knowledge about IoT systems and applications, and to be extended with vertical,... -
Iot-lite ontology
iot-lite is a lightweight ontology based on SSN to describe Internet of Things (IoT) concepts and relationships. @en -
Information Objects ontology
An ontology of information objects, encodings and realizations, as a plugin to DOLCE-Ultralite @en -
Workflow Invocation Ontology
Wf-invoc is a simple profile of the P-plan ontology to describe how workflow steps are invoked within a workflow execution. @en -
Intervals Ontology
An ontology for time intervals @en -
Ontology for Innovation
One key use case for this ontology is to facilitate the matching of needs and innovations. @en -
Information Realization
Allows designers to model information objects and their realizations. This allows to reason about physical objects and the information they realize, by keeping them... -
Vocabulary to describe incident response by emergency services
Vocabulary to describe the response to a incident by emergency services. This is NOT intended to describe the incident itself, it describes the response @en -
The IMGpedia Ontology
La Ontologia de IMGpedia provee terminos para referirse a descriptores visuales y relaciones de similitud entre imagenes @es, The IMGpedia Ontology provides terms to describe... -
Ontologie des systèmes de coordonnées de référence
Codes for describing coordinates reference systems consistently with ISO TC/211. French translations of terms and definitions are mainly taken from the multilingual glossary of... -
Ontologie géographique de l'INSEE
Ontologie des objets géographiques de l'INSEE, en particulier des territoires administratifs de la France @fr, Ontology describing geographic entities as seen by the French... -
Ontology of digital identity.
v.2.0 based on P3P1.0 Specification http://www.w3.org/TR/P3P/ @en -
Ontologie démographique de l'INSEE
Ontologie des classes et propriétés utilisées pour la démographie, notamment le recensement de la population @fr, Ontology with classes and properties used for demography,... -
International Contact Ontology: Addresses, phone numbers and emails.
This ontology provides basic classes and more detailed properties for representating international street addresses, phone numbers and emails. Rather than using existing... -
IBIS Vocabulary
This document specifies a vocabulary for describing an IBIS (issue-based information system). @en -
The Hydra Core Vocabulary
A lightweight vocabulary for hypermedia-driven Web APIs @en -
Home Weather
Smart home ontology for weather phenomena and exterior conditions @en -
A namespace for describing HTTP messages (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html) @en -
Haystack Tagging Ontology
The Haystack Tagging Ontology is an OWL ontology for Project Haystack, a domain vocabulary for Building Automation Systems. @en -
hRESTS Ontology
hRESTS is a vocabulary for describing RESTful Web services @en