The Identity of Resources on the Web ontology
This ontology is an evolution of IRE ontology. It describes identification of resources on the Web, through the definition of relationships between resources and their... -
IPO - Issue Procedure Ontology
Vocabulary for describing issues (or problems) and corresponding symptoms and solutions to a broad variety of contexts. It is intended to provide a generic, reusable core... -
IoT-O is a core domain Internet of Things ontology. It is intended to model horizontal knowledge about IoT systems and applications, and to be extended with vertical,... -
Iot-lite ontology
iot-lite is a lightweight ontology based on SSN to describe Internet of Things (IoT) concepts and relationships. @en -
Information Objects ontology
An ontology of information objects, encodings and realizations, as a plugin to DOLCE-Ultralite @en -
Workflow Invocation Ontology
Wf-invoc is a simple profile of the P-plan ontology to describe how workflow steps are invoked within a workflow execution. @en -
Intervals Ontology
An ontology for time intervals @en -
Ontology for Innovation
One key use case for this ontology is to facilitate the matching of needs and innovations. @en -
Information Realization
Allows designers to model information objects and their realizations. This allows to reason about physical objects and the information they realize, by keeping them... -
Vocabulary to describe incident response by emergency services
Vocabulary to describe the response to a incident by emergency services. This is NOT intended to describe the incident itself, it describes the response @en -
The IMGpedia Ontology
La Ontologia de IMGpedia provee terminos para referirse a descriptores visuales y relaciones de similitud entre imagenes @es, The IMGpedia Ontology provides terms to describe... -
Ontologie des systèmes de coordonnées de référence
Codes for describing coordinates reference systems consistently with ISO TC/211. French translations of terms and definitions are mainly taken from the multilingual glossary of... -
Ontologie géographique de l'INSEE
Ontologie des objets géographiques de l'INSEE, en particulier des territoires administratifs de la France @fr, Ontology describing geographic entities as seen by the French... -
Ontology of digital identity.
v.2.0 based on P3P1.0 Specification http://www.w3.org/TR/P3P/ @en -
Ontologie démographique de l'INSEE
Ontologie des classes et propriétés utilisées pour la démographie, notamment le recensement de la population @fr, Ontology with classes and properties used for demography,... -
International Contact Ontology: Addresses, phone numbers and emails.
This ontology provides basic classes and more detailed properties for representating international street addresses, phone numbers and emails. Rather than using existing... -
IBIS Vocabulary
This document specifies a vocabulary for describing an IBIS (issue-based information system). @en -
The Hydra Core Vocabulary
A lightweight vocabulary for hypermedia-driven Web APIs @en -
Home Weather
Smart home ontology for weather phenomena and exterior conditions @en -
A namespace for describing HTTP messages (http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616.html) @en