The Data Quality Management Vocabulary
The Data Quality Management Vocabulary - An Ontology for Data Requirements Management, Data Quality Monitoring, Data Quality Assessment, and Data Cleansing @en -
The Data Quality Constraints Library
This RDF document contains a library of data quality constraints represented as SPARQL query templates based on the SPARQL Inferencing Framework (SPIN). The data quality... -
OWL representation of ISO 19115 (Geographic Information - Metadata - Data qua...
An OWL representation of parts of the Geographic Metadata model described in ISO 19115:2003 with Corrigendum 2006 - DQ Package @en -
Decision Provenance ontology (DecPROV)
This ontology is a reduced-in-scope version of the W3C Decisions and Decision-Making Incubator Group's Decision Ontology (DO) which can be found at . It has been re-worked to... -
Data Provider Node ontology
This ontology is being developed by CSIRO under the eReefs project for describing data provider nodes, web services available and datasets that are hosted by them. This ontology... -
Dataset Ontology
The data.gov.au Dataset Ontology is an OWL ontology designed to describe the characteristics of datasets published on data.gov.au. The ontology contains elements which describe... -
Ontology Modeling for Intelligent Domotic Environments
The DogOnt ontology supports device/network independent description of houses, including both controllable and architectural elements. @en -
Document Service Ontology
A micro-ontology that defines a set of typical document-related services such as provided by libraries, museums and archives. @en -
DoCO, the Document Components Ontology
An ontology for describing the component parts of a bibliographic document @en -
Works, licences, derivatives and dependencies
Defines properties and relationships between works. @en -
Description of a Project vocabulary
The Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language. @en -
DNB Metadata Terms
The DNB RDF Vocabulary (dnb:) is a collection of classes, properties and datatypes used within the DNB's linked data service.It complements the GND Ontology (gndo:) which is... -
DM2E model
The DM2E model is a specialisation of the Europeana Data Model (EDM) and can be used for the description of manuscripts in the cultural heritage domain. @en -
The Data Knowledge Vocabulary
The Data Knowledge Vocabulary allows for a comprehensive description of data assets and enterprise data management. It covers a business data dictionary, data quality... -
DITA RDF ontology
The DITA RDF ontology translates the semantics of a subset of the vocabulary described in the DITA 1.2 specification in a format that can be understood in the semantic Web of... -
DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary
A metadata vocabulary for documenting research and survey data @en -
The Design Intent Ontology
The scope of the DIO is the domain of design intent or design rationale that needs to be documented while undertaking the design of any artifact @en -
SDMX Dimension
Defines dimensions for the statistical "cubes" defined by SDMX @en -
Healthcare metadata - DICOM ontology
Ontology for healthcare metadata - especially metadata found in DICOM files (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, see http://dicom.nema.org/). Author: Michael... -
DOAP Dependencies
An extension to DOAP for describing a project's requirements @en