11 datasets found

Tags: plm

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  • WIKI tool Model

    A partir del análisis de diversos sistemas, como MediaWiki, Confluence o DokuWiki, se ha diseñado este vocabulario. Téngase en cuenta que este modelo no describe completamente...
  • The Wfprov Ontology

    The wfprov ontology shows how to express minimal provenance information about the execution of a workflow described using the wfdesc ontology. @en
  • The Wfdesc ontology

    This ontology ("wfdesc") describes an abstract workflow description structure, allowing the description of a scientific workflow as a direct acyclic graph, or a dataflow. This...
  • Visual Modeling tool Model

    In Software Engineering, as well as in other disciplines, it is common to use model-editing tools using a visual language. In particular, the editing tools allow you to design...
  • Software Work Product Model

    During the modeling of software processes, work products are traditionally treated as atomic units, with names but no structure, and they are generated or changed during the...
  • Software Process Control Model

    La planificación y monitorización de la ejecución de proyectos software puede llevarse a cabo con diferentes herramientas, desde sistemas basados en gestión de tareas, hasta...
  • OSLC Core Vocabulary

    The Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) initiative is creating a family of web services specifications for products, services and other tools that support all...
  • Open-Multinet Upper Lifecycle Ontology

    This ontology defines generic concepts related to the life cycle of resource or service. @en
  • Lifecycle Schema

    The Lifecycle Schema provides classes and properties that allow the specification of a lifecycle that any resource may pass through. @en
  • Issue Tracking tool Model

    A partir del estudio de las características de las herramientas de gestión de tareas o issue tracking systems, se ha elaborado este vocabulario. @es, This vocabulary defines the...
  • OSLC Asset Management Vocabulary

    This specification builds on the Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) Core v2.0 Specification to define the resources, properties and operations supported by an OSLC...