South Korea Extension to Juso Ontology
South Korea Extension to Juso Ontology is a Web vocabulary that extends Juso Ontology to describe geographical addresses and features in South Korea. @en -
Juso Ontology
Juso Ontology is a Web vocabulary for describing geographical addresses and features. @en -
Ontology of Building Accessibility
Slovnik prisupnosti budov vznikl v ramci projektu Mapy bez barier, ktery realizuje Nadace Charty 77 - Konto Bariery. Vychazi z Metodiky kategorizace pristupnosti objektu, je... -
IT Service Management Ontology
IT Service Management Ontology (ITSMO) provides the vocabulary for annotating resources related to IT Service Management. ITSMO tries to be consistent with 2011 ITIL... -
Issue Tracking tool Model
A partir del estudio de las características de las herramientas de gestión de tareas o issue tracking systems, se ha elaborado este vocabulario. @es, This vocabulary defines the... -
Ontologie du projet Istex pour la diffusion de la littérature scientifique
ISTEX est une plateforme qui a pour ambition d’offrir, à l’ensemble de la communauté de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche française qui le souhaite, un accès en ligne... -
Ispra Ontology
L'ontologia ISPRA nasce dall'esigenza di pubblicazione dei dataset LOD ed è finalizzata alla descrizione dei processi e delle attività dell'Istituto negli ambiti circoscritti... -
ISO19160-1:2015 Address ontology
This ontology is a version of the ISO TC211, Group for Ontology Management (GOM)'s OWL ontology interpretation of the ISO19160-1:2015 "Addressing -- Part 1: Conceptual model"... -
ISO 37120 indicator URIs
ISO 37120 – Sustainable Development and Resilience of Communities – Indicators for City Services and Quality of Life (under TC268) http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/ISO37120.html... -
ISO 25964 SKOS extension
This vocabulary aims at providing interoperability between SKOS and ISO 25964 ‐ 1:2011, the new standard for thesauri @en -
ISBD elements
This is a registration of classes and properties from International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), consolidated edition, published by De Gruyter Saur in July 2011... -
Info Service Ontology
The Information Service Ontology specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing different information services, e.g. Wikipedia, MusicBrainz, Freebase @en -
The Identity of Resources on the Web ontology
This ontology is an evolution of IRE ontology. It describes identification of resources on the Web, through the definition of relationships between resources and their... -
IPO - Issue Procedure Ontology
Vocabulary for describing issues (or problems) and corresponding symptoms and solutions to a broad variety of contexts. It is intended to provide a generic, reusable core... -
IoT-O is a core domain Internet of Things ontology. It is intended to model horizontal knowledge about IoT systems and applications, and to be extended with vertical,... -
Iot-lite ontology
iot-lite is a lightweight ontology based on SSN to describe Internet of Things (IoT) concepts and relationships. @en -
Information Objects ontology
An ontology of information objects, encodings and realizations, as a plugin to DOLCE-Ultralite @en -
Workflow Invocation Ontology
Wf-invoc is a simple profile of the P-plan ontology to describe how workflow steps are invoked within a workflow execution. @en -
Intervals Ontology
An ontology for time intervals @en -
Ontology for Innovation
One key use case for this ontology is to facilitate the matching of needs and innovations. @en