Recommender System Context
This ontology represent context which may be interesting in providing recommendations to users. @en -
RDB to RDF Mapping Language Schema
A vocabulary which can be used to specify a mapping of relational data to RDF. @en -
Registered Organization Vocabulary
Le vocabulaire des organisations enregistrées est un profil de l'ontologie des organisations pour décrire les organisations ayant acquis un statut légal au travers d'un... -
The Research Object Ontology
This ontology shows how AO and ORE ontologies can be used together to define a ResearchObject. This ontology is further customized by the wf4ever ontology. @en -
RDF Logging Ontology
This is a helper ontology for NIF 2.0 to be able to log errors and warning messages. @en -
Review Vocabulary
Vocabulary for expressing reviews and ratings @en -
ReMetCa Ontology
Ontology for poetry description @en -
A vocabulary for describing relationships between people @en -
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Vocabulary used to describe clean energy actors, projects and technologies @en -
RECommendations Ontology
The RECO ontology defines the vocabulary for representing preferences-as-constraints and preferences-as-ratings as RDF graphs. This lightweight vocabulary provides... -
Recommendation Ontology
The Recommendation Ontology specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing recommendations on/ for the Semantic Web. @en -
The RDF Schema vocabulary
RDF Schema provides a data-modelling vocabulary for RDF data. RDF Schema is an extension of the basic RDF vocabulary. @en -
The RDF Presentation ontology
RDF Presentation and RDF Presentation Negotiation An RDF graph can be presented in several ways, using different media types. Examples of RDF media types include... -
Properties allowing statement of intensional equivalence between RDF graphs @en -
RDFa Vocabulary for Term and Prefix Assignment, and for Processor Graph Repor...
This document describes the RDFa Vocabulary for Term and Prefix Assignment. The Vocabulary is used to modify RDFa 1.1 processing behavior @en -
The RDF Concepts Vocabulary
This is the RDF Schema for the RDF vocabulary terms in the RDF Namespace, defined in RDF 1.1 Concepts. @en -
RDA Work properties
The Work properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the RDA Work entity. @en -
RDA Unconstrained properties
The Unconstrained properties element set consists of properties representing the attributes and relationships of the all RDA entities. Each property in the element set has... -
RDA Roles
Defines possible roles linking agents to FRBR objects (works, expressions, manifestations, items) @en -
RDA Relationships GR2
RDA Relationships for Persons, Corporate Bodies, Families @en