The Publishing Status Ontology
an ontology for describing the status held by a bibliographic document or other publication entity at each of the various stages in the publishing process. It forms part of... -
Provenance Vocabulary types
Extends the Provenance Vocabulary by defining subclasses of the types of provenance elements introduced in the core ontology. @en -
Provenance Vocabulary Core Ontology
The Provenance Vocabulary Core Ontology provides the main classes and properties required to describe provenance of data on the Web. @en -
Product Vocabulary
ProVoc (Product Vocabulary) is a vocabulary that can be used to represent information and manipulate them through the Web. This ontology reflects: 1) The basic hierarchy of a... -
W3C PROVenance Interchange
The namespace name http://www.w3.org/ns/prov# is intended for use with the PROV family of documents that support the interchange of provenance on the web. @en -
The Event Programme Vocabulary
This Vocabulary provides the means to create a document which describes a large event or other connected series of events. The primary purpose is to help humans comprehend the... -
The Publishing Roles Ontology
PRO, the Publishing Roles Ontology, is an ontology for describing the role(s) in the publication process of a particular agent over a defined period of time. It forms part of... -
Presentation of Resources for Interoperable Semantic and Shareable Mobile Ada...
PRISSMA (Presentation of Resources for Interoperable Semantic and Shareable Mobile Adaptability) is a domain-independent vocabulary for displaying Web of Data resources in... -
PREMIS Ontology
This ontology identifies the classes and properties used to describe preservation metadata in RDF. @en -
Property Reification Vocabulary
A vocabulary for describing the ontology design pattern of property reification. @en -
PPROC ontology
The PPROC ontology defines the necessary concepts to describe public procurement process and the contracts of public sector (public e-procurement). The ontology has been... -
Ontologie de la Poste
Vocabulaire décrivant la répartition des points de contact du réseau postal en France métropolitaine, Guadeloupe, Guyane, La Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte, Monaco, Monte-Carlo et... -
Postcode Ontology
An ontology describing the postcode geography in Great Britain. @en -
Poder Vocabulary
A vocabulary to express information about people and their relations with Organizations, Companies, etc. @en, Un vocabulario para expresar información acerca de personas, y sus... -
Programmes ontology
This ontology aims at providing a simple vocabulary for describing programmes. It covers brands, series (seasons), episodes, broadcast events, broadcast services, etc. @en -
Press.net Tag Ontology
Press.net Tag Ontology defines relationships for semantically annotating taggable things (for example news assets) with domain entities (stuff) and events. @en -
Press.net Stuff Ontology
Press.net Stuff Ontology models real world entities. There are two kinds of stuff: tangibles and intangibles. Tangible stuff includes persons, locations and organizations.... -
SNaP Identifier Ontology
The Identifier Ontology models non-RDF based Identifiers for resources. It is used to maintain a mapping between RDF resources identifiers and their equivalent IDs in an... -
Press.net Event Ontology
Press.net Event Ontology models news-worthy events and their relationship to news assets and stuff (simple entities) in the world. @en -
Press.net Classification Ontology
The Press.net Classification Ontology allows assets to be holistically classified using a controlled vocabulary or taxonomy. @en