The P-PLAN Ontology
The Ontology for Provenance and Plans (P-Plan) is an extension of the PROV-O ontology [PROV-O] created to represent the plans that guided the execution of scientific processes.... -
The OWL 2 Schema vocabulary
This ontology partially describes the built-in classes and properties that together form the basis of the RDF/XML syntax of OWL 2. @en -
OpenVocab is a community maintained vocabulary intended for use on the Semantic Web, ideal for properties and classes that don't warrant the effort of creating or maintaining a... -
The Open Traffic Lights ontology
This ontology provides the terms necessary to describe the status of traffic lights. @en -
Ordnance Survey Topography Ontology
The general purpose of this ontology is to provide a library of high level concepts that are used by the other modules within the whole OS Topographic ontology. The ontology... -
Spatial Relations Ontology
An ontology describing basic spatial relations. @en -
OntoMedia Space Representation
The OntoMedia Space representation denotes areas of landscape. Expands on the AKT location ontology @en -
Ontologie du Service Public
Ontologie d'une organisation publique, plus particulièrement d'un tribunal, d'une organisation internationale ou d'un pays. @fr, Ontology for public services and organizations @en -
OSLO Exchange Standard
This version of the OSLO Exchange Standard provides a minimum set of classes and properties for describing a natural person, i.e. the individual as opposed to any role they may... -
OSLC Core Vocabulary
The Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) initiative is creating a family of web services specifications for products, services and other tools that support all... -
Ordnance Survey Geometry Ontology
A provisional small geometry vocabulary used by Ordnance Survey vocabularies and datasets. Likely to change when some standard way of representing geometries in RDF is agreed. @en -
The administrative geography and civil voting area ontology
An ontology describing the administrative and voting area geography of Great Britain @en -
Ontology about Spanish public organizations
Extensión de la ontología de Organizaciones para adecuarla al Directorio Común de entidades públicas en España. @es, Extension of the Org ontology to make it suitable for the... -
Core organization ontology
Vocabulary for describing organizational structures, specializable to a broad variety of types of organization. @en -
The OAI ORE terms vocabulary
Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange (OAI-ORE) defines standards for the description and exchange of aggregations of Web resources. @en -
SwetoDblp Ontology of Computer Science Publications
This file specifies in RDF Schema format the classes and properties for SwetoDblp. These classes and properties are based on the internal LSDIS Library portal engine. @en -
Online Presence Ontology
Ontology for representing Online Presence @en -
The OPMW Ontology
OPMW is a OPMV profile to model the executions and definitions of scientific workflows. @en -
Open Provenance Model Vocabulary
OPMV, the Open Provenance Model Vocabulary, provides terms to enable practitioners of data publishing to publish their data responsibly. @en -
Open Provenance Model
The Open Provenance Model is a model of provenance that is designed to meet the following requirements: (1) To allow provenance information to be exchanged between systems, by...