DoCO, the Document Components Ontology
An ontology for describing the component parts of a bibliographic document @en -
Works, licences, derivatives and dependencies
Defines properties and relationships between works. @en -
Description of a Project vocabulary
The Description of a Project (DOAP) vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language. @en -
DNB Metadata Terms
The DNB RDF Vocabulary (dnb:) is a collection of classes, properties and datatypes used within the DNB's linked data service.It complements the GND Ontology (gndo:) which is... -
DM2E model
The DM2E model is a specialisation of the Europeana Data Model (EDM) and can be used for the description of manuscripts in the cultural heritage domain. @en -
The Data Knowledge Vocabulary
The Data Knowledge Vocabulary allows for a comprehensive description of data assets and enterprise data management. It covers a business data dictionary, data quality... -
DITA RDF ontology
The DITA RDF ontology translates the semantics of a subset of the vocabulary described in the DITA 1.2 specification in a format that can be understood in the semantic Web of... -
DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary
A metadata vocabulary for documenting research and survey data @en -
The Design Intent Ontology
The scope of the DIO is the domain of design intent or design rationale that needs to be documented while undertaking the design of any artifact @en -
SDMX Dimension
Defines dimensions for the statistical "cubes" defined by SDMX @en -
Healthcare metadata - DICOM ontology
Ontology for healthcare metadata - especially metadata found in DICOM files (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, see http://dicom.nema.org/). Author: Michael... -
DOAP Dependencies
An extension to DOAP for describing a project's requirements @en -
The Discourse Elements Ontology
The Discourse Elements Ontology is an ontology for describing the major rhetorical elements of a document such as a journal article. It is a subsidiary ontology that is imported... -
Dem@Care Lab Ontology for Dementia Assessment
The ontology has been developed in the framework of the Dem@Care project for representing the experimentation protocol towards diagnostic support and assessment of Dementia in a... -
Decision ontology
Decision-making is a process that can result in some decision and decision is a situation of indicating one of the considered options. Decision Ontology provides means for... -
Denotative Description Ontology (ArCo network)
The Denotative Description module encodes the characteristics of a cultural property, as detectable and/or detected during the cataloguing process and measurable according to a... -
DCMI Type Vocabulary
The DCMI Type Vocabulary provides a general, cross-domain list of approved terms that may be used as values for the Resource Type element to identify the genre of a resource. @en -
DCMI Metadata Terms
an up-to-date specification of all metadata terms maintained by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, including properties, vocabulary encoding schemes, syntax encoding schemes,... -
NDL Metadata Terms
RDF Schema declaration for Japan NDL Metadata Terms @en -
The DataCite Ontology
The DataCite Ontology is an ontology written in OWL 2 DL to enable certain metadata properties of the DataCite Metadata Specification version 2.0...