Connectivity types
Defines types of connectivity used in communication and bearer services accessible in certain connectivity. @en -
CSV on the Web Vocabulary
This document describes the RDFS vocabulary description used in the Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data along with the default JSON-LD Context. @en -
This vocabulary defines a set of terms for describing changes to resource descriptions. @en -
ReSIST Courseware Ontology
The ReSIST Courseware Ontology represents the various educational courses and resources within the ReSIST project @en -
Copyright Ontology
The Copyright Ontology is a contribution geared towards the development of copyright-aware Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems. @en -
CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model
This is the encoding approved by CRM-SIG in the meeting 21/11/2012 as the official current version for the CIDOC CRM namespace. Note that this is NOT a definition of the CIDOC... -
EAC-CPF Descriptions Ontology for Linked Archival Data:
Derive from the EAC-CPF original XML schema. Encoded Archival Context for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families provides a grammar for encoding names of creators of archival... -
Content Pattern Annotations
A set of annotation properties to be used for ontology design patterns @en -
ISO 3166 Country Codes
Basic properties of a country as defined by ISO 3166 (code and name) @en -
Car Options Ontology
The COO provides a vocabulary for exposing available configuration options for car models. It allows indicating choices that can be made as well as compatibility, dependency,... -
Conversion Ontology
Ontology used to describe interpretations of tabular literals to produce RDF @en -
Utility concepts for everyday life @en -
The Delivery Context Ontology
The Delivery Context Ontology models the knowledge of the environment in which devices interact with the Web or other services @en -
Vocabulary related to incident communication
This vocabulary is intended to describe all the aspects which are needed to communicate incident related information for fire department services @en -
Collections Ontology
The Collections Ontology (CO) defines unordered collections (Set and Bag) and ordered collections (or List). This ontology has been inspired by the work "Putting OWL in Order:... -
'Configuration as Linked Data' ontology
Ontology for the description of customizable products. It models the configuration process as the traversal of a graph of partially defined products, or "Configurations" @en -
Defines subclasses and instances of codes used in SDMX, such as currencies, decimals, frequencies ... @en -
Cloud Computing Services Ontology
Simple ontology for Cloud Computing Services. This ontology allows to define model of prices used in large cloud computing providers such as Google, Amazon, Azure, etc.,... -
Counter Ontology
The Counter Ontology specification provides basic concepts and properties for describing a general counter concept and some important sub counters @en -
Representing Content in RDF
Representing Content in RDF as defined by http://www.w3.org/TR/Content-in-RDF/ @en