The Time Interval Pattern
This pattern is extracted from DOLCE-UltraLite by partial clone of elements and expansion. Two datatype properties have been added which allow to express the boundaries of the... -
The Temporal Ordinal Reference Systems
An OWL representation of the model for Temporal Ordinal Reference Systems defined in GeoSciML v3. @en -
Theatre Ontology
An ontology for organising theatrical data. @en -
Test Metadata
This ontology aims at defining the Quality Assurance Framework by collecting the test development experience of W3C Working Groups and summarizing the work done about tests and... -
Teaching Core Vocabulary Specification
TEACH, the Teaching Core Vocabulary, is a lightweight vocabulary providing terms to enable teachers to relate things in their courses together. The Teaching Core Vocabulary is... -
Time Entry
An entry sub-ontology of time (OWL-Time). @en -
TaxonMap Ontology
This is the initial vocabulary for mapping the various taxon classes on the Linked Open Data Cloud @en -
Tag ontology
An ontology that let users define relationships between Tag objects and URIs of Semantic Web resources @en -
TripleAccessControl Ontology
The TripleAccessControl Ontology is an extension to WebAccessControl Ontology to describe access control rules for RDF triples. @en -
Semantic Web Rule Language
OWL definition of the RDF Concrete Syntax for the Semantic Web Rule Language @en -
Semantic Web for Research Communities
An ontology for modeling entities of research communities such as persons, organisations, publications (bibliographic metadata) and their relationship @en -
Semantic Web Portal Ontology
The aim of the Semantic Web Portal Ontology is to serve as the conceptual backbone for community portals driven by Semantic Web technologies. @en -
Software Work Product Model
During the modeling of software processes, work products are traditionally treated as atomic units, with names but no structure, and they are generated or changed during the... -
Graph Authority
This vocabulary allows to attach an authority to a named graph @en -
Semantic Web Conference Ontology
The Semantic Web Conference ontology (SWC) is an ontology for describing academic conferences @en -
SUMMA Vocabulary
The SUMMA Vocabulary enables to request and represent summarized RDf resources. It should be used in context to the SUMMA API definition. @en -
Stories Ontology
The Stories ontology was developed in collaboration with the BBC, with an aim to creating an ontology for narrative representation that could be applied across a diverse set of... -
i40 Standards Lanscape Vocabulary
A vocabulary to describe the relation between standards in use on the Industry 4.0, and related concepts @en -
Semantic Trajectory Episodes
A lightweight ontology for representing semantic trajectories and contextual elements in terms of features of interests and episodes. @en -
Security Toolbox : Attacks and Countermeasures
A vocabulary to describe main security and cryptographic concepts: attacks, security mechanisms, OSI model, security protocols, security tools in numerous technologies: Web...