VIVO Core Ontology
An ontology of academic and research domain, developed in the framework of the VIVO project @en -
VIR - Visual Representation ontology
This ontology, called VIR, is an extension of CIDOC-CRM created to sustain propositions on the nature of visual elements and permit these descriptions to be published on the... -
Wine Ontology
This ontology was used as example in the first OWL Recommendation (February 2004) @en -
The Video Game Ontology
The Video Game Ontology is an ontology designed for describing video games and all the resources related to their game plays. @en -
Vehicle Emissions Ontology
An ontology for describing vehicles and their emissions. @en -
Vocabulary for Dataset Publication Projects
The Vocabulary of Dataset Publication Projects (VDPP) allows to represent the status of a dataset publication project. It is mainly based on the Provenance Vocabulary (PRV), the... -
An Ontology for vCards
This ontology models and represents vCards in RDF using current best practices @en -
VANN: A vocabulary for annotating vocabulary descriptions
A vocabulary for annotating descriptions of vocabularies with examples and usage notes. @en -
The Vagueness Ontology
The Vagueness Ontology (VO) allows one to specify vagueness characterisations of the TBox entities of an ontology. @en -
Vocabulary for Attaching Essential Metadata
The purpose of VAEM is to provide, by import, a foundation for commonly needed resources when building an ontology. @en -
The Visual Analytics Vocabulary
This vocabulary allows the semantic description of visual analytics applications. It is based on the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary and the Semanticscience Integrated Ontology. @en -
Ontology 'Usability' created to describe and store information about interactions of user with a software user interface @en, Онтология "Удобство испльзования" предназначена для... -
URI Vocabulary
This vocabulary describes the entities which may be derived from a URI and the relationships between them, such as Internet Domains, prototcols, file suffixes etc. It was... -
Uniprot Core Ontology
Properties and classes used for protein annotation @en -
UNESKOS Vocabulary
An RDF vocabulary for extending some SKOS and ISO-THES functions in order to improve the linked data consumption of SKOS datasets @en -
Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer
UMBEL provides a general vocabulary of classes and predicates for describing domain ontologies, with the specific aim of promoting interoperability with external datasets and... -
Units of measurement ontology
The instances of this ontology have been automatically generated from the UCUM (The Unified Code for Units of Measure). See http://aurora.rg.iupui.edu/UCUM/... -
Used Cars Ontology
Vocabulaire Web pour décrire les caractéristiques des voitures d'occasion pour le commerce électronique. @fr, A Web vocabulary for describing aspects of used cars for... -
OLiA Annotation Model for Uby Parts of Speech (Gurevych et al, 2012) extracted from the Uby DTD (http://purl.org/olia/ubyCat.owl, version of Nov 21th, 2012). References Iryna... -
Time Zone Ontology
A vocabulary to describe time zones and their geographical coverage. @en