TaxonConcept Ontology
This ontology and the related TaxonConcept data set mints identifiers that are tied to a specific species concept which can have several names and classifications. @en -
The Time-indexed Value in Context
A pattern for the description of scenarios that involve entities having some value during a particular time and within a particular context. @en -
Ontología de Turismo para el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Esta ontología se ha construido dentro del proyecto financiado por el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza: "Un visitante, una ruta", una aplicación informática para el cálculo de rutas... -
Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Change Ontology
The TSN-Change ontology aims at describing changes that occured from one version of a Territorial Statistical Nomenclature (TSN) (i.e., partition of the territory) and its... -
Territorial Statistical Nomenclature Ontology
This RDF ontology allows describing any Territorial Statistical Nomenclature (TSN) (i.e., partition of the territory) used as a support to socio-economic data (statistical data... -
SIOC Types Ontology Module
Extends the SIOC Core Ontology (Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities) by defining subclasses and subproperties of SIOC terms. @en -
Transport Administration Ontology
Transport Administration Ontology (TAO) for describing data from Swedish Transport Administration Web site. @en -
A vocabulary for describing transit systems and routes @en -
OntoMedia Trait Representation
OntoMedia (Ontology for Media) has been designed to describe the traits of entities. @en -
Road Traffic Management
An ontology that describes the management of the traffic in a straight road with two lanes, both in the same direction. @en -
Tourpedia Ontology
A vocabulary to describe touristic places: accommodations, points of interest, restaurants and attractions. @en -
Ontologie des éléments du territoire et de ses infrastructures de l'IGN
Ontologie décrivant les éléments du territoire et ses infrastructures. Elle repend l'essentiel du vocabulaire de la BDTOPO(IGN) et vise à couvrir l'ensemble des entités... -
Toucan Ontology
A ontology developed for telecommunciation network systems with hybrid technologies, e.g., WiFi, LiFi, LTE, 2G/3G, optical, etc. @en -
Translational Medicine Ontology
The Translational Medicine Ontology (TMO) is a high-level, patient-centric ontology that extends existing domain ontologies to integrate data across aspects of drug discovery... -
A vocabulary for temporal objects in Geographic Information
An OWL representation of part of the model for Temporal objects and reference systems from ISO 19108:2002 Geographic Information - Temporal Schema @en -
The Timeline Ontology
Extends owl-time ontology with support for several timelines, acting as a backbone to adress time interval/instants. Mainly designed with a multimedia use-case in mind. @en -
Open Time and Space Core Vocabulary
TISC, the Open Time and Space Core Vocabulary, is a lightweight spatiotemporal vocabulary aiming to provide spatial and temporal terms such as "happensAt", "locatedAt",... -
Time Indexed Situation
A generic pattern usable for all situations that require a temporal indexing. @en -
The Tickets Ontology
A vocabulary for describing tickets for events, transportation, or points of interest for e-commerce. @en -
Time Ontology
This vocabulary defines temporal entities such as time intervals, their properties and relationships. @en