The Neural Network Ontology
This is the Neural Network Ontology. Designed by the AIFB (http://www.aifb.kit.edu/web/Web_Science) @en -
The Semantic Turkey metadata registry ontology
An application profile of DCAT combining it with other metadata vocabularies (e.g. VoID, DCTERMS, LIME) to meet requirements elicited in various use cases of the Semantic Web... -
The Lingvoj Ontology
An ontology for using languages as resources @en -
JSON Schema in RDF
Module for data schema specifications, part of the W3C Web of Things (WoT) Thing Description model @en -
OWL ontology for the IFC conceptual data schema and exchange file format for Building Information Model (BIM) data @en -
Hypermedia Controls Ontology
Ontology designed to provide an RDF representation of Hypermedia Controls, in particular links and forms. @en -
Education Ontology
Ontoloogia kirjeldab hariduse valdkonna peamised m?isted ja seosed nende vahel. Praeguses versioonis on r?hk pandud ?ppematerjali, ?piv?ljundite ja ?ppekavaga seotud... -
DINGO Ontology
The DINGO ontology (Data Integration for Grant Ontology) defines the terms of the DINGO vocabulary and provides a machine readable extensible framework to model data relative to... -
DFC Business Ontology
DFC Business Ontology @en -
Data Food Consortium Ontology
A common vocabulary for digital food platforms @en -
Cochrane Core Vocabulary Ontology
The Cochrane Core ontology describes the entities and concepts that exist in the domain of evidence based healthcare. It is used for the construction of the Cochrane Linked Data... -
Occupancy Profile ontology
The Occupancy Profile ontology has been developed to represent people’s behavior inside building spaces. @en -
AMLO-core vocabulary
The AMLO-core is the main module of the AMLO projects that extends the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) with some concepts to describe the Anti Money Laundering (AML)... -
The visualization vocabulary for LOD applications
dvia is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between visualization applications published on the Web. @en -
ZBW Extensions
Extensions to SKOS and other standard vocabularies used by the German National Library of Economics (ZBW) @en -
XHTML Vocabulary
This is a vocabulary collection utilized by XHTML Family modules and document types using XHTML Modularization, including XHTML Role and XHTML + RDFa as defined in rdfa-syntax. @en -
xAPI Controlled Vocabulary Ontology
This ontology contains a list of the classes and properties that can be used when for creating and publishing a controlled vocabulary dataset for xAPI communities of practice. @en -
Web Of Trust
Web Of Trust (wot) RDF vocabulary, described using W3C RDF Schema and the Web Ontology Language. @en -
Weighting Ontology
The Weighting Ontology specification provides a vocabulary for describing weightings and their referenced scales, on/ for the Semantic Web. @en -
WSMO-Lite Ontology
WSMO-Lite is a lightweight approach to the semantic annotation of Web service descriptions, defined by the STI2 working group Conceptual Models for Services @en