PROTON Extent module
Upper-level ontology with extensions to handle Linked Open Data (LOD) @en -
Person ontology in Dutch @en -
PROTON (Proto Ontology), Top Module
The PROTON Top module represents the most general classes @en -
Context Description Ontology (ArCo network)
The Context Description module includes models for the context of a cultural property, in a broad sense: agents (e.g.: author, collector, copyright holder), objects (e.g.:... -
Semantic Sensor Network Ontology
This ontology describes sensors and observations, and related concepts. It does not describe domain concepts, time, locations, etc. as these are intended to be included from... -
Extension de SKOS pour la représentation des nomenclatures @fr, An extension of SKOS for representaion of nomenclatures @en -
BBC Wildlife Ontology
A simple vocabulary for describing biological species and related taxa. @en -
Yoga Ontology
Yoga Ontology is the list of vocabularies that define the yogic practice. Where Yoga is the union of the mind and body. @en -
Security mechanisms for the Web of Things
Security mechanisms for the the Web of Thing @en -
Thing Description Ontology
This ontology aims to model the Web of Things domain according to the W3C Interest Group (http://w3c.github.io/wot/) @en -
Timebank Ontology
An ontology to describe people and requests for timebanks. This includes the poeple's skills, limitations, and environment. @en -
The Survey Ontology
Ontology for surveys based on the Coney data model. @en -
SPARQL endpoint metadata
A small vocabulary for representing SPARQL endpoint metadata on the web @en -
SAREF extension for Agriculture
This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the Agricultural domain. This work has been developed in the context of the STF 534... -
SAREF extension for building devices
This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the building domain by defining building devices and how they are located in a building. This extension is based on the ISO... -
Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types
The QUDT, or 'Quantity, Unit, Dimension and Type' collection of ontologies define the base classes properties, and restrictions used for modeling physical quantities, units of... -
Cochrane PICO Ontology
The PICO ontology provides a machine accessible version of the PICO framework. It essentially provides a model for describing evidence in a consistent way. The model allows the... -
Ontology of units of Measure (OM)
The Ontology of units of Measure (OM) 2.0 models concepts and relations important to scientific research. It has a strong focus on units, quantities, measurements, and... -
Ontology Loose Coupling Annotation
A vocabulary defining annotations enabling loose coupling between classes and properties in ontologies. Those annotations define with some accuracy the expected use of... -
The Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) Ontology
The Open Digital Rights Language (ODRL) provides flexible and interoperable mechanisms to support transparent and innovative use of digital content in publishing, distribution,...