Government Data Vocabulary
A RDF Schema that defines concepts and relationships common to all Open Government Data @en -
GConsent - a consent ontology based on the GDPR
GConsent provides concepts and relationships for defining consent and its associated information or metadata with a view towards GDPR compliance. It is the outcome of an... -
Global City Indicator Foundation Ontology
Global City Indicator Foundation Ontology developed by the Information Engineering Group, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto. Contains the foundation... -
oeGOV Government Core Ontology
The Government Core Ontology establishes a foundation for all oegov ontologies. @en -
TotL Game Ontology
This schema describes games with a known state, and few or no random elements. @en -
Fresnel Lens and Format Core Vocabulary
OWL Full vocabulary for defining lenses and formats on RDF models. @en -
FRBRer model
This is the element set of native RDF classes and properties described in the current text (Feb 2009) of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR)... -
Extended FRBR
Expression of Extended FRBR Concepts in RDF @en -
Expression of Core FRBR Concepts in RDF
An expression in RDF of the concepts and relations described in the IFLA report on the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) @en -
FraPPE: Frame, Pixel, Place, Event vocabulary
FraPPE is a vocabulary to enable Visual Analytics operations on geo-spatial time varying data. By enabling Visual Analytics instruments FraPPE ease the capture, correlation and... -
Funding, Research Administration and Projects Ontology
FRAPO, the Funding, Research Administration and Projects Ontology, is a CERIF-compliant ontology written in OWL 2 DL for describing research project administrative information. @en -
FRAD model
This is the element set of native RDF classes and properties described in the Functional Requirements for Authority Data model. The model also uses elements previously described... -
Food Ontology in OWL
Along with Wine Ontology, was used as example in the first OWL Recommendation (February 2004) @en -
Food Ontology
This ontology models the Food domain. It allows to describe ingredients and food products. Ontology used by the Open Food Facts dataset @en -
The SEAS Feature of Interest ontology.
This ontology defines feature of interest and their properties, as an extension of the core classes of the SSN ontology (https://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/). A feature of interest is an... -
FOG: File Ontology for Geometry formats
The File Ontology for Geometry formats (FOG) describes meaningful relations towards geometry snippets in RDF literals, geometry files on relative or absolute URLs and... -
FIESTA-IoT Ontology
The FIESTA-IoT ontology takes inspiration from the well-known Noy et al. methodology for reusing and interconnecting existing ontologies. To build the ontology, we leverage a... -
Federal Enterprise Architecture Vocabulary
To facilitate efforts to transform the Federal Government to one that is citizen-centered, results-oriented, and market-based, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is... -
Feature Annotation Location Description Ontology
Used to describe a location that consists of a number of Regions but where the order is not known. e.g. the oddly named order() keyword in a INSDC file. @en -
FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology
FaBiO, the FRBR-aligned Bibliographic Ontology, is an ontology for recording and publishing on the Semantic Web bibliographic records of scholarly endeavours. It forms part of...